
Showing posts from May, 2020

Mother's Day

Mother’s Day! Is there any new explanation one can give for Mother’s Day. We all know why we celebrate Mother’s Day. I have always wondered why we need to have specific dates to celebrate something – Mother’s Day/father’s day/valentine’s day etc etc. Nowadays it seems like every other day is some day – Roses day/ Siblings Day/Twins day and what not. Now it has become more of a show than anything else, but still all these days started existing due to a specific reason. So “Google” came for help again, when I started looking at Mother’s day origin and celebrations. As usual this  wiki  page gave very interesting details on how today is not celebrated as Mothers day across the world as we all think. Every county has chosen a date. In India, its celebrated today and I really liked the explanation given “ Indians do not celebrate the occasion as a religious event; its celebration is mostly restricted to urban areas where the occasion has been largely commercialized ”. ...