
Showing posts from May, 2011

Vicious Cirlce!!!

Life is a vicious circle and a few people are always in that circle!!!! For example consider one of those relatives about whom we always crib and avoid meeting but when we do meet, we try to show that we are so happy to meet them! For simplicity let's assume that particular relative to be your dad's cousin's sister-in-law's husband's mother!! Long chain right, but the catch is that this "Lady" is also staying in your neighborhood so knows more about what's happening in your life than your cousin! This "Lady" represents those 'n' no of relatives and family friends whose one of the main objectives of life is giving advices to you on anything and everything!!! Alright so how come it's a vicious circle. Scene 1 - Your mom is Pregnant! The " Lady " comes to meet your mother to wish her. She is genuinely happy for your mother and the conversation that starts off in congratulatory note slowly takes the tone of advices, not for ...