Appreciation: This is something we all yearn for! A hard day’s of work and when someone appreciates we feel happy. That small joy becomes worth all the troubles we take. There are times when we feel all our efforts are wasted when we are not appreciated on time. And worst when we end up feeling that someone else is being appreciated for what is due to us. On one side, it’s the professional environment set up, where one appreciation mail from client helps you tremendously or from supervisors/managers. And other side, even in personal life, when you cook something and your parents appreciate you, or siblings appreciate you for some support or some relative/friends appreciate you we feel happy and acknowledged. We truly become a part of that group which recognizes you be it in any situation/ reason! Why do we remember grandparents who only appreciate us, or that school friend who always gave thumbs-up when you won something, or that uncle who would appreciate wh...